I celebrated International Women’s Day with Ariel, they treated me to this amazing movie Captain Marvel. I had a great time watching the movie and getting a few pictures at Ariel’s antigravity booth.

I am a huge super hero movie buff and when it’s a woman saving the world, (which they do in more ways than one every single day), it’s just becomes a special treat to the senses. If you have been following my blogs you would have read how impressed I was with Ariel’s new campaign #ShareTheLoad, It’s all about dividing the chores, starting from the laundry at home.
Captain Marvel is a good watch and it’s all about never giving up and not even for a moment do you feel when you watch the movie that the protagonist feels and less just because she is a woman, In fact her character is inspiring wherein she finds, all the strength and power that she needed was always within her. Similarly we women are super heroes without any super powers, we are super heroes because we are strong and often the glue that holds the family together.
When we aren’t multitasking our home and work we are still figuring out ways to make life comfortable for everyone around us. I feel it’s time the whole family starts pitching in and make life comfortable for everyone in the house, that way the lady of the house isn’t the only one who is always running around and doing all the chores in the house.
Laundry everyday, is one of the most important household chore, imagine if it isn’t done regularly, you would always be running out of basic clothes to wear, with the washing machines it’s become simple to do laundry, but it doesn’t mean it’s not an important chore. Wouldn’t it nice if the men in the family start helping us out with doing this simple chore and take if from there, after all we women maybe super women but every once in a while every super hero needs a team that is helping them…… let us all #ShareTheLoad and make this world eventually a better place …..yes for every woman who has a supportive family there is happiness and all the families together make all the happy people in the world…