I keep getting requests to do a post about men’s style and I happen to be invited for a Giovani event where I saw Fawad Khan, who was being Introduced as their Brand Ambassador was an inspiration to do a blogpost on Men’s Style……and I am already Inspired enough to do more in future…..here we go…
Movie Star’s are Charismatic is a known fact and Command a lot of Attention wherever they go…..when I saw Fawad Khan , I was all gooey eyed and mercerised. There was something about him ……..it made me think that movie stars definitely have always stood out no matter how girl/boy next door they look like….they are charismatic and make head turn even while they are off duty as ….
We need not be actual movie stars to dress like one…we all are rockstars in our own right…today’s post is dedicated to all the men who can take their style quotient from a regular guy to a Movie Star ….. 5 Tips for Men to Look Like a Movie Star.…
1. If you meet or see a Movie Star haven’t you noticed how Fresh they always look, so we need to start from the basics….. Grooming, Grooming and more Grooming. There is nothing more attractive about a Man (besides being Respectful to women, Chivalry and Mannerisms that is ) than a Man who is well groomed, with that I do not mean to imply that one over does it…. Even the unkempt look should be accompanied with having groomed your self well also make sure always smell well.……
2. Take care of your skin. If you noticed their skin is always shining , a little bit of TLC of the skin should make it look good. Drink Water, Exercise, have some Multivitamins to get your glow back. It is as simple as that….
3. Make Sure the Suit you wear is always Well Cut . A well cut Suits enhances your personality, a dapper looking guy is always welcome everywhere and creates a great impression….You don’t have to always wear a really expensive designer Suit, but make sure you pick the best fitted ones.
4.Choose your Accessories well. I would say that if you carry a Bag make sure it a good quality one. A Fedora on a casual day & a pair Sunglasses…(well movie stars wear sunglasses in shade and at night….you might want to avoid that bit….;-)… a good Watch and you are good to go….
5. Last but most important are the Shoes .Movie stars always have the nicest shoes on, I am yet to see an actor in person wearing shabby shoes, Make sure your Formal Shoes are always Polished and the Sporty ones neat , if you do not wear Moccasins its time you get yourself a pair and wear them without socks…..and put your Movie Star feet forward….
…..Make heads turn wherever you go…after all you have all it takes to be centre of attraction without having uttered a word..get all the attention through your style statement…….in case you need to ask me anything … I am right here… write to me [email protected]